Add Your Favorites to Albums

Over time as your photo collection grows, you’ll find you have many favorite digital photos. How do you organize these so that when a friend asks to see your favorites from your Tanzania trip a few years ago, you can easily find them? You add your favorites to albums. Below are the instructions for the iPhone/iPad.

If you’d like to learn more about using Favorites more effectively and take a deeper dive into photo organizing, take a look at Jumpstart Your Photo Organizing! One-On-One Training.

Software Version iOS 14

Add Your Favorites to Albums 1.jpg

1. View your Favorites by opening the PHOTOS app. Tap ALBUMS at the bottom, then tap FAVORITES.

Add Your Favorites to Albums 2.jpg

2. Tap SELECT at the top, then tap individual images or swipe your finger across multiple consecutive images to quickly select a group of photos. Then tap the Share icon at the bottom left.

Note: Deselecting images works the same way — tap individual marked images or swipe your finger across multiple marked images.

Add Your Favorites to Albums 3.jpg

3. Scroll down, then tap ADD TO ALBUM.

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4. Tap NEW ALBUM, then type the Title. Tap SAVE. Your new album will be saved within MY ALBUMS.