Everything Under One Roof Forever


Imagine curating your photos and videos

into one permanent collection

that you and your loved ones can access and update

for generations to come.

This and more is possible with FOREVER.

Still Image From 8mm Film Digitized by FOREVER

That photograph is me as a baby in Denmark. A still image from an 8mm film I had digitized by FOREVER.

I’ve been using FOREVER since 2014. Through the years, the company has listened to the feedback of photo managers as well as others and continually improved their products and services. The result? They have created something unique and outstanding.

Because of the quality of the company’s products and services, I’ve become a FOREVER Ambassador. I recommend FOREVER to my clients and teach them all the beneficial features; some of which I’ve included below.


I would like to share this photo platform with you as we see photo companies come and go. And it can be challenging to keep up with the companies that provide reliable service and quality products.

In 2021, Costco closed all the photo centers in their warehouses and as of this January, they also closed their online photo services. Shutterfly recently announced they will discontinue their Share Sites service on March 25, 2023. This service offered customers a way to create personal web pages for their photo collections. They could share the site with others as well as print books and other photo gifts. If you have a Share Site, please take the time now to download all your photos to your computer.

The photo industry will continue to change. FOREVER stands out as the only company that offers guaranteed storage forever. “When you buy FOREVER Storage, a large portion of your payment is deposited into the FOREVER® Guarantee Fund. The money is invested so that it increases in value and pays for the recurring maintenance and preservation costs of your FOREVER Storage, as well as the migration of your content to new digital formats, over time.” [Read More...]

To set up a free 2 GB cloud storage account, visit FOREVER. If you have questions about FOREVER services and products, please reach out, Mirja Heide will be happy to assist.