Have Emails, Websites & PDFs Read to You

Here is how to set up your iPhone/iPad to read your emails to you as well as websites and PDF documents, i.e. email attachments. The steps are below and will allow you to listen while you sit comfortably at home or perhaps go out for a walk. Happy Summer! ☀️

Software Version iOS 13 or newer

Activate Speak Screen Setting

  1. Open SETTINGS app



  4. For SPEAK SCREEN, tap the slider to turn green

  5. For VOICES, tap to select a specific English voice from US, Australia, India, Ireland, South Africa, or UK

  6. To adjust the SPEAKING RATE, drag the slider towards the turtle icon or rabbit icon


Listen to Content of Email, Website and PDF Document

  1. Open an email, website or PDF

  2. Swipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen

  3. The Speak Screen panel displays and the content of the screen is automatically read to you

  4. To pause the spoken content, press the center button. To resume playing, press the center button again.



Once the spoken content is playing, the Speak Screen panel will change to an arrow button. Tap the button to return to the panel. When finished listening, tap the (X).