Search for Photos and Videos using Keywords

To locate photos and videos in your photos library, you can certainly scroll to see what’s there, but a better way is to search using keywords. Apple has designed the Photos app to recognize thousands of objects and scenes. Below are a few keyword examples. Now, try your own! And after you’ve located your photos and videos, save them to an album so you can find them easily later.

  • animal, bird, butterfly, cat, dog, fish, giraffe, horse

  • baby, baby buggy, bride, glasses

  • dandelion, flora, flower, forest, lake, moon, oak tree, rainbow, rose, tree, waterfall

  • cake, coffee, food, restaurant

  • chair, furniture, house, sign, street

  • bicycle, boat, bridge, car, golf, kayak, music, plane, skiing, tennis, toy, whiteboard

  • beach, building, landmark, monument, mountain, playground, theme park, waterfront

  • aerial, autumn, cloudy, night, snow, sunrise, sunset

  • celebration, ceremony, decoration, fireworks, wedding

A search for ‘document’ will show items such as recipes, book excerpts, products, product labels, quotes, CD covers, receipts, posters, or a chair. A search for ‘flower’ will display flower, flowers, flower garden, flower pot and flower arrangement. If you wish to refine your search, add a second keyword such as a specific year or location.

Search by Keyword.png
Specific Keyword Search 2.png

Search using One or More Keywords

  1. Tap SEARCH (at bottom of Photos app)

  2. Tap the Search bar

  3. Type the keyword(s)

    • Examples

      • One keyword:

        object or scene, e.g. beach

        person’s first name

        city or country name


      • Multiple keywords:

        golf 2014

        Denver 2018

        Jane Chris Summer 2020

  4. Scroll to view all the suggested results

  5. Tap the result you wish to view

Search using Keyword(s), then Add Photos & Videos to an Album

  1. Search using keyword(s)

  2. Tap the result you wish to view or tap SEE ALL

  3. Tap SELECT

  4. Tap individual photos/videos or swipe your finger across a group of photos/videos

  5. Tap the Share button


  7. Tap an existing album or create a new album:

    • To create a new album, tap NEW ALBUM, type a name, then tap SAVE